Aims And Objectives

The Association of Industrial Pharmacists of Nigeria
was established with the following
  1. To Promote and protect the interest of Industrial Pharmacists (corporate members) and Associate Members of NAIP both at National and International Pharmaceutical Community.
  2. To maintain a close link with Government, Pharmaceutical, medical and allied professionals, Professional scientific organization as well as the general public, thereby communicating, enhancing and improving the reputation of the Pharmaceutical industry and its contribution to the health and economic welfare of the nation.
  3. To disseminate information and give Pharmaceutical Education about the Pharmaceutical Industry in the form of conferences, lectures, seminars, workshops, symposia etc.
  4. To give guidelines where possible, as well maintaining good standards in all areas of the Pharmaceutical industry.
  5. To establish branches and Branch Offices, where feasible and providing for the appointment or election of local committees to deal with local matters.
  6. To sign and execute all deeds, documents and other instruments of every nature and kind whatsoever for carrying out the purpose of the Association and doing all things required or deemed necessary to comply with legal requirements.
  7. To raise funds by means of subscriptions from members and levies on members, associate members and corporate members or otherwise for all the purposes and objects of The Association in such amounts and in such a manner as provided for in the Constitution.
  8. To do other legal activities or things not listed above as may be incidental for the achievement of the Objectives of the Association.

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